Drone High Resolution Magnetic Survey

High Definition UAV Magnetics is a giant step forwards from traditional airborne magnetic surveys. The drone flies closer to the surface absorbing huge amounts of magnetic data to reveal structures and potential mineral deposits. The processed image resolution is 5 times clearer than traditional magnetic survey.

Drone High Resolution Magnetic Survey

High Definition UAV Magnetics is a giant step forwards from traditional airborne magnetic surveys. The drone flies closer to the surface absorbing huge amounts of magnetic data to reveal structures and potential mineral deposits. The processed image resolution is 5 times clearer than traditional magnetic survey.

Applications for High Resolution Magnetic Surveys

Oil & Gas Pipeline Inspection

High Definition Magnetics can be used to survey existing pipelines for detection of illegal taps and intrusive buried structures that can damage the pipeline.

Mineral Exploration

High Resolution Magnetic Mapping is the most recent innovation for identifying mineral deposits. The resolution of imagery is 5 times better than traditional airborne surveys, and when combined with LiDAR and photographic thermal imagery, it provides the exploration team with a comprehensive data set.

Benefits of UAV High Definition Magnetics

High Accuracy

High definition magnetometers capture subtle variations in the earths magnetic field by flying close to the earths surface at a relatively slow speed compared to airborne magnetic surveys.

Fast Turnarounds

UAVs can be deployed quickly into remote areas of Indonesia. Our survey teams are highly experienced working in steep mountainous terrain and can carry out surveys quickly and efficiently.

Cost Effective

The use of drones for magnetic surveys offer significant savings compared to traditional airborne surveys, since clearances are fast, mobilisation and support is efficient and economical.

Real-time Data Acquisition

Data capture is performed carefully and quickly over the survey area. Initial on site processing can reveal anomalies that allow the geologist to expand or focus the survey on areas of interest.

Best for Challenging Terrain

Indonesia has challenging terrain with high topographic relief. Complex mission procedures combined with multiple technologies are followed to ensure the best possible results.

Data Integration

Magnetic surveys data can be integrated with other surveys, such as LiDAR and Orthophoto information, to provide a holistic data set that assists the geologist in the discovery of minerals.

High Accuracy

High definition magnetometers capture subtle variations in the earths magnetic field by flying close to the earths surface at a relatively slow speed compared to airborne magnetic surveys.

Fast Turnarounds

UAVs can be deployed quickly into remote areas of Indonesia. Our survey teams are highly experienced working in steep mountainous terrain and can carry out surveys quickly and efficiently.

Cost Effective

The use of drones for magnetic surveys offer significant savings compared to traditional airborne surveys, since clearances are fast, mobilisation and support is efficient and economical.

Real-time Data Acquisition

Data capture is performed carefully and quickly over the survey area. Initial on site processing can reveal anomalies that allow the geologist to expand or focus the survey on areas of interest.

Best for Challenging Terrain

Indonesia has challenging terrain with high topographic relief. Complex mission procedures combined with multiple technologies are followed to ensure the best possible results.

Data Integration

Magnetic surveys data can be integrated with other surveys, such as LiDAR and Orthophoto information, to provide a holistic data set that assists the geologist in the discovery of minerals.

UAV Magnetic Survey Process

Project planner with laptop, calculator, helmet, iPad, and project plans on desk

1. Project Planning

As part of our process we meet with your team and discuss the project and its objectives. We then generate a project plan and critical path, which is agreed with you and signed off.

2. Project Preparation

Prior to mobilisation, all necessary clearances are obtained, and once on site a risk assessment is performed, and camp locations, transportation, and communication channels are established.

3. Preliminary UAV Survey

A photographic survey of the area is performed to help identify potential risks, locate launch bases, understand terrain variations, and plan the magnetic survey.

4. Magnetic Survey

Multiple survey missions are flown over the area with each survey line checked for data quality. Maintaining magnetic lock during every flight is a critical component of the survey.

5. Data Processing & Analysis

The mission data is uploaded to our data processing facility so that any significant anomalies can be quickly identified and reported back to the survey team and client. Further data processing, filtering, and inversions are performed by our master geophysicist and compiled into a detailed report.

Flexible Visualisation of Magnetic Surveys

Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI)

Image generated after applying Diurnal Correction, Data De-Spike, Tie Line Leveling, and Micro-Leveling. It allows to identify subsurface features such as magnetic anomalies, mineral deposits, faults and structures, and do basement mapping.

Residual Magnetic Intensity (RMI)

The background regional field is removed from the data using a detrending filter that removes the very low frequency variations related to the IGRF as well as large scale regional fields affecting the magnetic data in the project area.

Reduction to the Pole (RTP)

The reduction to the pole simplifies the interpretation of anomalous field values by removing the asymmetry introduced due to the magnetic induction from an inclined field. It transforms the data to that which would be measured at the magnetic poles where the main inductive magnetic field has a vertical component producing symmetrical anomalies centered on the inferred magnetic body.

Vertical Integral of Total Gradient (VIAS)

The vertical integration applied to the total gradient/analytic signal generates a transformed image that accentuates causative bodies at depth. This transform will tend to indicate the presence of any large-scale deep seated magnetic features that could be indicative of deep seated intrusive complexes related to generation of Porphyry style mineralization.

Our Technology and Expertise

Expert Pilots and Surveyors

Both drones and magnetometer are complex in nature and require a deep understanding to be operated efficiently for getting best results. Our team of seasoned UAV pilots and expert surveyors from Indonesia and abroad are experienced in planning and executing challenging missions in dense jungles, steep terrain, or nearby airports.

Geometrics MagArrow II

We employ the Geometrics MagArrow II on our survey missions, which belongs to a new generation of UAV Magnetometers that are based on the advanced Potassium Magnetometer, which provides the highest sensitivity, absolute accuracy, and gradient tolerance available.

DJI Matrice 300 RTK

Our magnetometer sensor is mounted on the DJI Matrice 300 RTK, which is specifically built for industrial tasks. It is equipped with high precision multi frequency GPS, featuring great flight performance, loading capacity, and reduced set up time for difficult missions.

Expert Analysts

Our experienced geophysical analysts not only carefully validate, process, and analyze the high definition magnetic data, but interpret and present it in clear, holistic, and transparent reports so you can confidently make the right decisions.

What You can Expect from Enmintech

Comprehensive Turnkey Solutions for Your Entire Project

Professional Project Management and Execution

Dedicated Service focused on Results and Your Success

Experienced Team of Indonesian and Foreign Experts

State of the Art Technology and Survey Equipment

Outstanding Quality for a Reasonable Price

High Resolution Magnetic Survey in Indonesia

Call us for an Obligation Free Consultation​

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